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Collection owner:
BorisB. (2270 pts)

24 total concepts
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Term/concept Concept submitter
April travanj The 4th month in a year
August kolovoz Der achte Monat eines Jahres. BorisB. 
Dienstag utorak The third day of the week; the second working day
Donnerstag četvrtak The fifth day of the week; the fourth working day
Februar veljača The 2nd month in a year BorisB. 
Frühling proljeće Die erste von vier Jahreszeiten, beginnend am 21. März und endend am 20. Ju BorisB. 
Freitag petak The sixth day of the week; the fifth working day
Herbst jesen Die dritte von vier Jahreszeiten, beginnend am 23. September und endend am BorisB. 
Juli srpanj The 7th month in a year
Juni lipanj The month following May and preceding July, also the 6th month in a year.
März ožujak The 3rd month in a year BorisB. 
Mai svibanj The 5th month of a year BorisB. 
Minute , die minuta (min) A time unit of 60 seconds lenght.
Monat mjesec The 12th piece of one year BorisB. 
Oktober listopad Der zehnte Monat eines Jahres. BorisB. 
Samstag subota the seventh day of the week, dedicated by the Romans to Saturn.
September rujan Der neunte Monat eines Jahres. BorisB. 
Sonntag nedjelja First day of the week; observed as a day of rest and worship by most Chris
Tag (d) dan Time for Earth to make a complete rotation on its axis
Winter zima The coldest season of the year; in the northern hemisphere it extends from

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